- Learning from Action, and Generating Theories and Knowledge
- Participatory learning methods have been established that are suitable for use at all levels, which lead to critical discussion and analysis of the land and agrarian context by the stakeholders themselves. We have made sure to disseminate the new learnings that are produced which have resulted from the write-ups of the key points from these discussions. We facilitate further critical examination and refinement of such new insights.
- Bringing People’s Organizations into Centers of Learning
- With and within people’s organizations, we facilitate critical reflections on the land and agrarian situation, the change it needs, what sort of movement would work best for it, and how to strengthen such a movement and make it effective.
- We aim to connect action to discourse by connecting people’s organizations and their insights to both the popular and the academic circles of conversation.
- Publications to Maximize Learning
- We regularly publish compilations of the learnings and insights gained from the various discussion programs of people’s organizations around the country and help to share and disseminate such compilations amongst farmers’ groups, state actors, and other stakeholders. We also publish and seek to widely disseminate the insights gained from context-mapping efforts, to make the situation and needs of land and agriculture clear to the public. With the needs of the movement and the capacity-building of leaders in mind, we also facilitate publishing and sharing various perspectives on land and agriculture produced outside of the movement. At the Bhumighars, we organize collections of group context map reports, constitutional documents, laws, policies, and policy commentaries related to land and agriculture.
- Publishing to Raise Awareness and Consolidate Financial Security
- We publish books, periodical journals, and other collections which contribute to the international discourse on land and agriculture, thereby raising awareness of the movement on a global scale, and also providing an extra source of financial security.