Notice for Invitation of Sealed Bids
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Bid-Notice-CSRCSQ042079080Download BQQ-LEOC-Required-MaterialsDownload
Bhu Upayog Yojana TarjumaDownload
Bipad Byawasthapan Tatha Abyawasthit Basobasiko Jagga Byawathapan Sambandhi Karyabidhiko SangaloDownload
Bhumi Sambandhi Kehi Niti, Kanun ra Niyamharuko SangaloDownload
Building on achievements and learnings of PRATIBADDHA-I and gaps identified, the Action aims to work in 4 municipalities most exposed to landslide risks in Bagmati province, where the Government of Nepal (GoN) implements pilots designed to improve humanitarian preparedness and response. The Action aims to unlock bottlenecks that prevent households at risk of landslides (categorized…
CSRC along with Oxfam in Nepal, LIBIRD, NEEDS and ICIMOD developed the People’s Landscape Approach (PLA) Framework. The framework provides new opportunities to conceptualize the complex relations between humans and nature, calling for more integrated forms of conservation and natural resources management, with the aim to reconcile conservation and development objectives within a single space.…