Ucchaishtarya Bhumi Sudhar Aayog 2051 ko Pratebedan
उच्चस्तरिय भूमि सुधार (बडाल) आयोग २०५१ को प्रतिवेदनDownload
उच्चस्तरिय भूमि सुधार (बडाल) आयोग २०५१ को प्रतिवेदनDownload
My name is Raj Ghale and I am 59 years old. From past nine years I have lost my eyesight. In my family we are husband wife and a daughter. My daughter is studying in Kathmandu and my wife work as a labor. Our family is originally from Kispang Rural Municipality (Salme VDC, ward number…
My name is Tesh Maya Gurung and I am 50 years old. Now I am living in the displaced camp of Mandre in Sulikot Village Municipality, ward no 2 with my son, daughter in law and grandson. My husband left me some twenty years ago and married other women. After the earthquake of April 25,…
CSO Land Reform Monitoring ReportDownload
My Name is Dol Maya Karki. I live in Kisan Nagar of Mahottari district. Albeit I was interested in studying in my childhood my parents never sent me school due to poverty. My parents forced me to get married with a farmer- Netra Bahadur Karki of Bardibas ward-6 Kishannagar, Mahottari district, southern plain of Nepal.…
Early in the morning last 15 May, the VDC hall of Khayermara VDC of Mahottari was full. Men and women from different VDCs were seated in rows. In front were local leaders from different political parties, the VDC secretary, local school teachers, and representatives of other local organizations. A banner read “Samyukta Purja Sibir” (JLO…
Fifty-year-old Jitendra Bhattarai lives in Karmaiya of Sarlahi with his mother, wife and three daughters. His wife Devmaya is 44. Jitendra and Devmaya are married for 28 years now. They have five daughters, two of whom are married and settled in Mahottari. Two of their daughters are studying in school and one of them is…
In Bharatpur VDC, Mahottari there is a Sada community (Dalit). In 2010 DLRF Mahottari organized a meeting to establish a VLRF. Consequently, 27 households from the community came together to form the Ranga Lal Village Land Rights Forum in Bharatpur VDC-1. All of the community members earned their livelihoods through labouring. For a full day’s…