Sep222023 Key Policy RecommendationsDownload Categories: Other, PublicationPost navigationPreviousPrevious post:Submission of diagnostic land study report to the MoLMCPA and NLCNextNext post:Brief Update of Dialogue on Learning and Alternatives to Ongoing Land Allocation ProgramYou Might Be InterestedREFLECTIONS 2024March 3, 2025Bhumi Samasya Samadhan Aayog Karyabidhiharuko SangaloFebruary 17, 2025NLC Pitching MaterialsFebruary 14, 2025Post Harvest BookletOctober 20, 2024Reflections 2023March 1, 2024Upper Trishuli-1 Hydropower Project_Sandarwa ra SikaiDecember 25, 2023