Oct302023PublicationReportSocial Audit Report Social-Audit-Report-2023Download Categories: Publication, Report, Social Audit ReportTags: social audit report 2023Post navigationPreviousPrevious post:Update of Sixteenth Social Audit of CSRCNextNext post:Best Practices of LG on IVR: Challenges and Way ForwardYou Might Be InterestedBhumi Samasya Samadhan Aayog Karyabidhiharuko SangaloFebruary 17, 2025NLC Pitching MaterialsFebruary 14, 2025Post Harvest BookletOctober 20, 2024Reflections 2023March 1, 2024Upper Trishuli-1 Hydropower Project_Sandarwa ra SikaiDecember 25, 2023Bhumi Adhikar Bulletin 62October 10, 2023