This project is designed for furthering the ongoing GLTN country-level engagement in selected municipalities in Nepal aligning with the GLTN strategic Plan 2018-2030, UNDAF 2018-2022 and the UN Socio-Economic Recovery Framework for Nepal, and supporting an up-scale FFP approach for tenure security. The major objective of this project is to “Support to upscale Fit-For-Purpose Land Administration Country Strategy Implementation, Policy Support and Capacity Development”. From, this perspective the project will mainly focus on three Output areas: 1. Carryout Study on Tenancy Rights and Unregistered Tenancy, Land Governance and, Climate Change Issue in the Country Context. 2. Support to Scale up of FFPLA tools implementation and Land Information System and, 3. Engaged in Dialogue on Land Issues, especially on Policy, Acts and FFPLA. The result of this project will support the National Land Commission (NLC) and Local Governments in resolving the issues of informal land tenure and landless in the current that COVID-19 has made poor people, especially those living in informal settlements even more vulnerable to livelihoods, food security, shelter, and income. It will support advocacy and developing knowledge of provincial and local government authorities in order to support the NLC efforts for tenure security and livelihood improvement of landless, slum dwellers and marginalized tenure holders including implementing land policy in favour of landless and land-poor communities. |