First Five Year Periodic Plan of Belaka Municipality
First Five Year Periodic Plan of Belaka MunicipalityDownload
First Five Year Periodic Plan of Belaka MunicipalityDownload
POOL Fund focused on quick response activities intending to meet basic need of affected household in emergency condition. The main focus area of POOL FUND is promoting livelihood strategies and reconstruction of devastated irrigation schemes. Encouraged the local people for their livelihood options this project focused on the cultivation of agricultural production and promoted those…
The PRAYAAS-II theme is to contribute to Building Back Better (BBB), reconstruction, restoring livelihoods and building resilience of the most at risk HHs and communities to deal with stress and shocks. The project is focused on addressing the humanitarian risks of most at risk households (HHs) through access to financial resources, innovative quick impact livelihood…
SUPPER identifies the In addition to basic need and livelihood options of disaster affected communities and focuses on recovery enhancing resiliency of households through improving human capability in improved cultivation practices and input support.
Name of Project PRAYAAS-II: Building resilience of the most at risk household and communities through transformative, innovative, inclusion of diversity and process of equity across the earthquake affected area in Nepal Working Area Indrawati Rural Municipality 1,2,3,4,11 and 12(6 Wards of RM) Contact Person Gopal Krishna Basnet, District Project Coordinator Contact Number/ Email 9841840724/…
WASH envisions to ensure access to safe drinking water and sanitation facilities in the post disaster context. In line with national response strategy, the proposed project strengthened access to WASH services by supporting the repair / construction of water system; provision of sanitation and hygiene facilities; and capacity buildings activities for village WASH coordination committee…